KDE Podcast 339: Un-becoming in Order to Experience God’s Best (Conversation with Eboni L Truss)

Today’s guest on The Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur Podcast is Eboni L Truss,  business mentor, strategist, and the founder of the Un-becoming movement.

When we first spoke with Eboni on the podcast in 2019, she shared her challenging journey of shifting from being expert-led to being Holy Spirit-led and working in partnership with God in business.

In this update episode, you’ll hear about her growth over the past two years since she engaged with the Igniters mentoring process and embraced the power of authentic Kingdom community. She has grown in God, is working in the power of His grace, and is thriving as she walks courageously in her Kingdom identity and authority in the marketplace. As a result, her breakthroughs are creating a pathway for others to experience their own!

Episode Length: 52 minutes

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Mentioned in Today’s Episode:


Igniters Mentoring Community

Previous Interview (2019): KDE Podcast 220: Moving from Expert-Led to Holy Spirit-Led in Business (Conversation with Eboni Truss)

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