KDE 340: When God Gives You Solutions in Your Dreams (Conversation with Melody LaGrone)

In the book “Grace Over Grind: How Grace Will Take Your Business Where Grinding Can’t”, one of the scriptures Shae shares is Psalm 127:2.

It is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for he gives to his beloved sleep. 

God empowers us to prosper even in our sleep. He gives rest, solutions, and even ideas in our dreams. This is the testimony of today’s guest on The Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur Podcast, Melody LaGrone, founder of a holistic health and wellness company called Yah Organics. Her company as well as many of her products were birthed out of a series of dreams that God gave her.

In this conversation, Melody shares how she is learning and growing in doing business in partnership with God; stewarding the vision He has given her for business and ministry alongside her husband. We hope that this episode inspires you to truly rest in the sweet and supernaturally productive sleep that is available to you as His beloved.

Episode Length: 44 minutes

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Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Yah Organics

Grace Over Grind: How Grace Will Take Your Business Where Grinding Can’t

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