KDE 351: Becoming a Missionary in the Marketplace (Conversation with Mike Henry)

Today’s guest on The Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur Podcast is Mike Henry.

Mike is a former business executive who wanted his faith and his work to be fully integrated in an authentic way. As is the story of many Founders, Mike created an organization that would be  a solution for the very thing he was looking for when he was a corporate executive. He founded a non-profit organization called Follower of One to help Christians in the marketplace make an eternal difference every day.

In this chat, Mike shares how he is growing this organization with God – exercising faith, patience, and diligence, and how he is helping people to be “marketplace missionaries.”

Episode Length: 43 minutes

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Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Follower Of One

Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur LIVE Masterclass

Today’s sponsor: 

Kelly Baader, business coach and the creator of The Power of One Framework™. If your coaching or service-based business revenue is growing, but you know it’s time to level up your messaging and revenue, head over to powerofoneframework.com/benchmark to receive your complimentary business assessment to see where the gap is between where you are now to where you want to achieve.

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