KDE 405: From Striving to Thriving with God in Business (Conversation with Stefanie Gass)

Today’s guest on The Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur Podcast is business and podcast coach Stefanie Gass.

After years of grinding it out in business, Stefanie hit rock bottom, but encountering the presence and goodness of God led her to a place of surrender, a time of rest and restoration, and then to building a thriving business in partnership with Him.

Through working with God, she has built a business that allows her to be present with her family, make a significant income, and have a greater Kingdom impact. If you ever struggle with being achievement or performance-driven and you’re still trying to find that grace-filled pace of working with God, Stefanie’s journey of moving from striving to thriving will be a blessing to you.

Episode Length: 44 minutes

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Mentioned in this episode:


Seek First the Kingdom – 12 Powerful Questions to Connect You with God’s Heart and Mind in Business

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