KDE 407: Navigating Kingdom-Driven Business Expansion with God (Conversation with Andrew Simpson)

Today’s guest on The Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur Podcast is returning guest Andrew Simpson, owner, and Chief Vision Officer of Player’s Fitness & Performance (PFP).

Andrew first joined Shae on the podcast in 2021, he shared his story of how he went from personal fitness trainer to reluctant fitness business owner with no plans or expectations for growth.  But much to his surprise, his business grew to 22 team members, and hundreds of clients, and he found himself in the middle of the biggest growth he’d ever experienced.

In this update conversation, Andrew shares what he has been learning as he has been navigating his business growth with the unanticipated expanded vision He received from God. You’ll hear how he is growing as a Kingdom-driven leader with a heart to steward Kingdom culture with his staff as well as the young athletes that he and PFP are called to serve as a company.

Episode Length: 36 minutes

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Mentioned in this episode:

Andrew’s Free Mindset Diagnostic Tool for Athletes

Andrew’s Book: Athlete, I’m Talking To You

KDE Podcast 332: Andrew’s first interview on the KDE Podcast

Seek First the Kingdom – 12 Powerful Questions to Connect You with God’s Heart and Mind in Business


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