KDE 397: God’s Grace Does the Heavy Lifting (Conversation with Aaron Kim)

Today’s guest on The Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur Podcast is Aaron Kim, Founding Director of Kairos Capital based in Singapore.

A self-described multilingual global citizen and prodigal son, Aaron started his financial capital investment company in response to sensing God’s call to be a Kingdom financier.  The company was birthed from a miracle years ago when he was down to his last few dollars, and its growth has been an ongoing testimony of God’s provision and orchestration.

Listen in and enjoy this conversation about persistence, enduring, trusting God in the midst of His pruning, and the immeasurable grace that is made available to us as we do business in partnership with Him

Episode Length: 1 hour 14 minutes

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Mentioned in this episode:

Pursued By The Maker

Seek First the Kingdom – 12 Powerful Questions to Connect You with God’s Heart and Mind in Business

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