A Business Launch Accelerator

Go From God Idea to Launch (or Re-Launch!) in 10 Weeks!

You already made the decision to do business as a Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur, led and empowered by the Holy Spirit. 


You haven't launched that business yet. OR
You very quietly "launched" but you haven't made any revenue yet and haven't really shared the business with many people.

This could be for a number of reasons, but most commonly it is FEAR.

Fear of getting it wrong.
Fear of not knowing enough.
Fear of not being good enough.
Fear of risk.
Fear of not having enough resources.

This leads to procrastination, analysis paralysis, and stagnation.

Kingdom Driven Start-Up will help you go from your idea to launch (in partnership with God)
in 10 weeks or less - if you fully engage in the process.

We are here to walk beside you and be a resource to move you past your real (or perceived) obstacles so you can serve others to the glory of God and start the adventure of being a Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur.

We Can Help You Launch (WITH God!)
If Your Business Is A...

Skill and Service Based Start-Ups: You have an existing skill, knowledge base, or expertise that can serve others; business to consumer (B2C) or business to business (B2B)

E-Commerce Start-Up: You have a physical product you desire to sell online

Content-Based Start-Up: You desire to serve an audience primarily through a content/media based business, e.g. as a blogger, vlogger, or podcaster.

Please Note: If you still require significant start-up capital to begin your business, this program is not a good match for you as we'd be unable to help you to in the area of securing funding in order to launch within 10 weeks.

Group Sessions (Teaching + Live Q&A) will take place on Thursdays live via Zoom from 7 PM US Eastern Time
(calls are 75 mins in length)

(All replays will be provided)

Topics & Schedule

September 29 – December 8, 2022 (10 weeks including Meet and Greet)

Week 1 - September 29 – Meet And Greet

Week 2 – October 6 – Developing A Mindset For Success -Laying The Groundwork /Defining Your Driving Vision and Core Values

Week 3 – October 13 – The Right Business For You - Identify Target Market and Customers

Week 4 – October 20 – Deciding What To Offer

Week 5 – October 27 – Marketing / Developing Elevator Speech

Week 6 – November 3 - Branding / Pricing

Week 7 – November 10 - Business Operations Tools

Week 8 – November 17 – Customer Experience Journey

Week 9 – November 24 - Thanksgiving Break

Week 10 – December 1 - Basic Business Finance – One Page Business Plan

Week 11 – December 8 – Time Management



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