KDE 416: Identity in Business: Traditional Paths vs. Kingdom Custom

The reimagined KDE Podcast Live continues to fulfill the mission of the original podcast with a fresh perspective, and we love the feedback. In the latest episode of the KDE Podcast Live, we are discussing the reality of Kingdom business not being “business as usual” but a business marked and marked out by God. As Kingdom Driven Entrepreneurs we are called to conduct business more excellently than a worldly model because our business should have an impact hitting the mark God intended. Like everything else in the  Kingdom, the business has a purpose and an identity, and God will mark a path of alignment for both. It takes more than a Kingdom citizen owning the business for it to be a Kingdom business. It only happens when our businesses begin aligning with their God-given identity for God-given purposes.⁣

Listen in to this episode where examine how this looks through the lens of heaven ⁣and how to check with God to find out the identity of your business and for what purpose he has called it.

Enjoy this week’s show and be sure to share this episode with others.

Want to join us live on Wednesdays at 1:00pm EST? You can do that and subscribe to the channel here KDE Podcast Live.

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