KDE 357: Leading and Stewarding Kingdom Culture in Business (Conversation with Henry Kaestner)

Today’s guest on The Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur Podcast is Henry Kaestner, Managing Principal of Sovereign’s Capital and a Founder of non-profit ministries Faith Driven Entrepreneur and Faith Driven Investor.

Henry shares what he has learned (and is currently learning) behind the scenes as he and his team carry out the vision and mission of the movements God has called him to. Whether you are a leader of a non-profit organization/ministry or business, listen in for the powerful and valuable nuggets he shares centered around leadership and stewarding culture and team.

Episode Length: 47 minutes

Right click and save as here to download the episode to your computer

Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

The Faith Driven Entrepreneur Book

Faith Driven Entrepreneur

Faith Driven Investor

Shae’s article on the Faith Driven Entrepreneur Blog

Today’s sponsor: 

Althea McIntyre can help you enroll ideal clients with one Spirit-led sales conversation and become the confident, authentic, and strategic Spirit-led sales leader you are meant to be. Visit www.AltheaMcIntyre.com/KDE to sign up for your FREE Spirit-Led Sales Training.

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