
Grace Over Grind – The Course

Exchange Your Grinding For The Infinite Power of God’s Grace In Business!

Hi, I’m Shae Bynes, Chief Fire Igniter of the Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur movement and author of Grace Over Grind: How Grace Will Take Your Business Where Grinding Can’t.

The Grace Over Grind message has touched the hearts and shifted the mindsets of tens of thousands of Kingdom entrepreneurs around the globe since the book was released in January 2018 (which quite frankly is a testimony of the message itself).

The best part is seeing that the transformation that took place (and continues) in my own life and business as a result of saying “Yes!” to Abba’s invitation to experience HIS best is also taking place in the lives and businesses of so many others. It’s been amazing to read the testimonies, and in some cases personally witness the outcomes from those who chose to trade in their hustling and grinding to work by the power of God’s grace.

  • Supernatural productivity (when God does extraordinarily more than you could’ve even done in your own strength and limited time/resources)
  • Peace that truly surpasses all understanding when inevitable challenges show up
  • Strengthened relationships with spouses, children, siblings, and friends
  • Significant growth in revenues and profitability
  • Greater alignment and impact with Kingdom assignments in the marketplace
  • New project, businesses, and ministries birthed through dreaming with God
  • Divinely orchestrated relationships and collaborations
  • Testimonies that are impacting the lives of others and speaking to the very nature of our God

What I know for sure is that we’ve barely scratched the surface in the body of Christ of what is possible as Kingdom Driven Entrepreneurs who are motivated by seeing an increase of the Kingdom of God and desire to reveal His glory on the earth through the marketplace. There’s so much goodness in store, and it’s not going to happen through grinding in your own strength. It will happen in partnership with God moving in His wisdom, favor, and unforced rhythms of His amazing grace.

This is why I decided to create the Grace Over Grind e-course!

The Grace Over Grind course is delivered via audio (and summaries via PDF) and you’ll have two convenient ways to access the course — via mobile app or direct download to your computer/device.  There are several modules separated into 4 parts for the course:

Part I: Grace Over Grind Foundations

The first thing we will do is set a foundation for confidently hearing and responding to God’s voice for your business and identifying what works best for you when it comes to having business meetings with God.  

Part II: Tackle the Stronghold of the Grind

The grind is a stronghold. It’s not enough to simply decide you’re not going to grind anymore. That’s the initial step. We’re going to tackle the specifics on how to deal with those moments that the grind is either tempting or feels like it’s what’s needed — how to handle things like financial anxiety, the analysis paralysis (also known as the “head hustle” or the “mind grind”), the need to “make it happen”, and so much more. You’ll be able to identify your grind triggers and have a plan for destroying them. 

Part III: Allow God To Be Your #1 Business Promoter

There are several Kingdom keys to working diligently in God’s rest and at the pace of His grace while allowing Him to promote you.  This tends to be tricky area for many Kingdom entrepreneurs so we’re going to explore how to move in both confidence and humility, how to be an effective steward of God’s favor, dream WITH Him, and embrace His timing. 

Part IV: Extend the Grace Over Grind Culture Beyond Yourself

Working by the supernatural power of God’s grace is counter-cultural, which means that the majority of people around you likely don’t operate the same way.  How do you create and maintain a Grace Over Grind culture for your team of employees and contractors? What about vendors, partners, and collaborators? It’s possible with God’s help, and we’ll explore a framework for extending the culture beyond you.


Along with your core course modules you’ll also receive some great bonuses:

  • The audio version of the book Grace Over Grind: How Grace Will Take Your Business Where Grinding Can’t
  • A bonus training module “Grace 360: Creating a Grace Over Grind Lifestyle in Every Area of Life”

YES, I Want To Get the Grace Over Grind E-Course!
Your Investment:  $495 
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