
KDE 358: Being Salt and Light in Your Business (Conversation with Jim Cockrum)

Jim Cockrum & Shae Bynes

Being Salt and Light in Your Business

Jim Cockrum & Shae Bynes         Jim Cockrum & Shae Bynes        
Being Salt and Light in Your Business           Being Salt and Light in Your Business          
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    Today’s guest on The Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur Podcast is Jim Cockrum. For the past 20 years, he has been helping entrepreneurs thrive by combining Biblical truth with cutting-edge creative e-commerce strategies.

    We discuss what ministry through business looks like to him, not only with the clients that he serves but also with the hundreds of people on his global team. Jim’s story provides a practical and powerful example of how a Kingdom entrepreneur can show up authentically and both carry and release a Kingdom worldview with Biblical truth regardless of the worldviews of those you serve in the marketplace.

    Episode Length: 44 minutes

    Right click and save as here to download the episode to your computer

    Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    The Blessed Life by Robert Morris


    Today’s sponsor: 

    Jennifer REYES takes away anxiety from selling your coaching services. She moves you from uncertainty to Unshakable Confidence, which has nothing to do with you! You’ll walk away with:

    • Clarity in 20 minutes or less
    • Knowing who you’re called to serve and why
    • 90% or higher enrollment rate for your services and offers

    Join Jennifer’s FREE interactive class, Uncertain to UNSHAKABLE in your Faith, Life, and Business at JenniferREYES.com

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