KDE Podcast 337: When God Asks You To Break Up with Achievement (Conversation with Teresa Kwon)

Today’s guest on The Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur Podcast is Teresa Kwon, Founder and CEO of Bom Bakeshop in Austin, Texas and the Managing Director of Daringly Great Leadership. She is also a member of our Igniters Mentoring Community.

Teresa never thought she’d be in the food business (she swore it off after experiencing it as a child with her family’s businesses), but in the year of 2020, God spoke to her heart and told her that she needed to break up with achievement and get back to Him.  She slowed down on the consultancy work as He instructed, and from that season birthed a new business in partnership with Him and with her husband that has been a testimony of restoration, grace and favor in so many ways.

When God invites you into an adventure with Him, your “yes” followed by diligent and faith-filled action is the very definition of success.  Teresa’s story provides a beautiful example.

Episode Length: 52 minutes

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Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Bom Bakeshop

Bom Bakeshop on IG

Igniters Mentoring Community


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